Introducing OurX: New, Black
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Introducing OurX: New, Black

May 23, 2023

A new hair company is hoping to revolutionize how Black people maintain their tresses. OurX is described as a personalized program for total scalp and hair wellness. The Black-owned brand launched Tuesday offering users individualized daily care plans, around-the-clock expert advice and social support with high-performance products.

The 21Ninety team got the chance to test out the system's initial intake process before the products launch. Users are first met with a glossy, well-organized site inviting them to "get your plan." Once signed up, users are prompted to complete an in-depth hair assessment that includes a hair porosity test. You are also asked to detail your at-home hair routine. Once the assessment is complete, the brand provides you with a line up of products that will work best with your hair and match you with a hair coach who will be there along your OurX hair journey. Users are later sent an email asking them to book an appointment time to meet with their coach for a more detailed explanation of the products and plan.

Products can be purchased individually with a starting price of $24. Our 21Ninety team was gifted the items. The package suggested by OurX was valued at $112. OurX also offers a subscription service where products can be shipped monthly.

A Black woman, Ceci Kurzman, is the brand's founder but her background may surprise some people. Spoiler-alert, it's not in the hair care industry.

Before jumping into the hair industry, Kurzman was a longtime music executive turned investor and entrepreneur. She spent most of her career developing music acts, building their careers, and making records. Eventually, she transitioned into investments for the artists.

It was during that time that the consumerism industry piqued Kurzman's interest. She soon began working with Johnson's Publishing, which owns titles like Ebony and JET as well as Revlon. She quickly realized that the beauty and hair industries felt very similar to music.

"You had artists all of a sudden not needing the labels. They could make their music, they could distribute it, they could market it, and reach their fans directly," Kurzman said.

The entrepreneur was intrigued by the idea of cutting out the middle man. It was a concept which led her to start OurX.

Ahead of OurX's launch 21Ninety sat down with the founder to learn more about her vision for the brand, why it's centering textured hair and what she hopes to see in the future.

21Ninety: What was the inspiration behind OurX?

Ceci Kurzman: Over time, I started asking a lot of questions. Where is all the innovation? Or how come all the products they were putting out were the things my mother and grandmother knew? So, once I started asking all the questions, not just to Revlon, the answers I received were astounding. That consumer only shops in mass or at beauty supplies. So that consumer is low-income. That consumer doesn't like newness. They only like ingredients they’ve trusted for generations. That consumer only likes the smell of coconuts.

‘That consumer’ is, in fact, an incredibly diverse consumer with different needs, desires, goals, etc. What we were seeing in the multicultural groups, things hadn't been introduced into these areas. There was no idea of really investing in product innovations, new chemists, new marketing methods, and new audiences. And that's what inspired me.

Before OurX was an idea, I wanted to get data. So, I did surveys with platforms that spoke to millennials of color and received about 30,000 responses. A lot of people are out there saying they don't have everything they need to feel confident, feel well-served, and have options. And that's when I got inspired for OurX.

21N: Why do Black women need OurX?

CK: We aren't style-focused or trend-focused. We are about if you want to get your hair and scalp to the healthiest place. OurX is here to help you on that journey. I think we have great products. We specifically innovated products to be high-performance products designed from the ground up for the tightest texture.

What we really wanted to attack was the concept of individual programs to get you to your goals. Whatever your goals are – shine, length, or whatever your hair goal is, we are there. OurX is there throughout the entire journey. While products are critical, it's very one piece of the puzzle. Everybody's programs are different. We really design it so it matches that individual's day in and day out. If you live in LA, Atlanta…people have a lot of access to resources should they want it. But if you don't live in those markets, you might be a day's drive from somebody who knows how to care for your hair. So, the idea of bringing the best experts in the room will allow you to have them to help you make appts, check the progress, etc. You’re not alone; we are with you every step of the way.

21N: The assessment was extremely detailed. We enjoyed the visuals to help clients answer the questions. How important was it for OurX to be a seamless process?

CK: The assessment is more intensive, very intentional. With the kind of recommendations OurX gives you, you should feel like you went to the doctor. We go really deep. So, the more detail we can get, the more data we can have to be successful for our consumers.

We needed to know what was missing. And one of the things that came out with taking this assessment, a lot of people, myself included, don't know the right answers. We go through steps to not only get this information but all of a sudden, they are educating themselves about their own hair and scalp.

21N: Can you explain the role of the consultant in your customers’ lives? What will they provide? How often will they communicate with the customer?

CK: Well, it depends on what the needs are. We have our team of expert stylists, trichologists, and dermatologists. We like to have a consult early on because it gets people set up the right way. It's always nice to have a conversation because we find that many people have some misinformation they’ve been working with. So, it's great to ask questions. But the process, one part is products, but the second part is to ensure the right behaviors and practices are happening.

21N: Let's talk cost. How did you guys settle on what to charge, and do you think it's attainable for the masses, or would you consider this a high-end/luxury service?

CK: The mandate was to find products that were below the DevaCurl, the Mielle, and the products in that category. In fact, I wanted us to be below. So, if you’re subscribing to five products, I wanted it to be under $100. Because those are the only five products you need. That [price] isn't just the product. What we are not factoring in is that the subscription includes a coach, curated and customizable content, and access to forums with experts. Those aren't factored into the price. So OurX is intentionally a lot of value. You should need nothing else.

21N: Where do you hope to see OurX in one year? Five?

CK: OurX wants to show the range that we have and how big this audience truly is. This is a vast category and it needs to be shown. Right now, we will continue to listening to the customers and help them where they need help. And we want to start to work with a lot of product brands to help customers make those choices.

This article has been edited and condensed for length and clarity.

The post Introducing OurX: New, Black-Owned Brand Hoping To Revolutionize Textured Hair Care appeared first on 21Ninety.

21Ninety: Ceci Kurzman: 21N: CK: 21N: CK: 21N: CK: 21N: CK: 21N: CK: